Search Results: "arnau"

10 May 2007

Arnaud Vandyck: fop 0.93 in Debian

I've uploaded fop 0.93 in Debian. As it's a new upstream, it'd take some time (or could be rejected if I messed up!). In the mean time, you can add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb ./
deb-src ./

With these lines, you'll be able to get libxmlgraphics-commons-java (which is needed by fop). This is a new lib so it's not yet in the archive, that's why you could have problems to install fop at the moment: #423196. read more

Arnaud Vandyck: Some Debian work...

  • libjazzy-java_0.5.1a-3
  • qdox_1.6.1-1
  • libxmlgraphics-commons-java_1.1.dfsg.1-1
  • jrexx_1.1.1-1
  • c3p0_0.9.1.1.dfsg.1-1
  • xmlgraphics-commons_1.1.dfsg.2-1 (move to contrib because it needs jpeg codecs from sun.* classes) (waiting for FTP-masters)
  • libcommons-lang-java_2.3-1
  • javassist_3.4.dfsg.1-1 (re-upload because I messed debian/copyright... sorry ftp-masters)
  • 13 April 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: libhibernate-java Take 4, fop and other updates

    • New packages
  • qdox_1.6.1-1 (#323043 and #418673)
  • xmlgraphics-commons (#418896)
    • New upstreams
  • commons-io: #418973, #397567
    • Bug fixes
  • libgef-java: #418865
  • read more

    7 April 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: Menuiserie!

    Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais hier soir j'ai dessin une chaise! Je n'ai absolument pas une formation de menuisier mais j'ai essay ... J'ai commenc par des proportions pour un enfant, pour Adrien, mon fieul, et neveu. Appelez-moi Monsieur Zig-Zag! Les images sont dans la suite de l'article (et en attachement). Sur la chaise, il y a la maquette en carton. read more

    4 April 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: libhibernate-java Take 2

    As I already wrote (it was the take 1), I'm working on packaging Hibernate (then Spring, then Jboss, then Jonas but dont' tell, it's the secret plan!). The first step has been done, #386100 (ITP: c3p0) is pending. I uploaded it to experimental because it needed a method in that is only in gcj experimental. The next step is to package cglib (#386101). I discover cglib embed asm in its jar and change the package name of the classes. The tool used to do that is called jarjar from Tonic Systems. So I have to package it first (#417591). I'm not sure it's a very good idea and I started a discussion in the cglib forum... and one of the developers already answered... FLOSS is too cool ;-). I'll try to see if it's possible to package both jars (one with asm, the other one without it). read more

    29 March 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: jboss-hibernate in Debian

    Today, I first fix debian/copyright file in libjazzy-java as it was rejected by ftp-masters. Then, I started to work on packaging jboss-hibernate in Debian. Marcus Better already filed some ITP's and I'm using them, change the owner when I'm ready to work on a package and upload it. #385569: ITP: jboss-hibernate -- object/relational persistence service for Java The good thing with the way Marcus worked is he filed ITP's and then send 'block' instructions to BTS, so it's easy to see what should be packaged first:

    28 March 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: Original FLOSS first contact

    KU group gives gift and lesson on alternatives (article). Instead of giving GNU/Linux cd's, they gave cd's with FLOSS to run on Windows. That's pretty cool to let people know that FLOSS is not just GNU/Linux.

    21 March 2007

    Paul van Tilburg: Technical Stuff

    Hobix There were some issues concerning Hobix and the new Ruby (1.8.6) that entered Sid recently. I’ve solved the problem, as you can see, and uploaded a Subversion snapshot package to experimental. Update: It seems that hobix 0.5~svn20070319-1 accidently was uploaded without share data. This was spotted and fixed by Arnaud, thanks! A new version (0.5~svn20070319-2) is on its way to experimental! Ruby D-Bus A few weeks ago I wrote to Arnaud Cornet about the fact that it is quite amazing that there is no up-to-date implementation of D-Bus for Ruby at all after such a long time. This resulted a few days ago in our Ruby D-Bus project. Some stuff is working already, quite low-level still, but really nice. I’m looking forward to designing the high-level API. I found out that other people had the same thoughts as us and also started to work on an implementations on their own without telling anyone. So, it seems there are three implementions now (as far as I know) that all have specific features working. I hope we can merge everything into one project. We’ll see what happens… OpenID I have taken some interest into OpenID, having to register some accounts on arbitrary forums. I ran into the fact that Rails recently got OpenID support and that support for phpBB is coming up, which is nice. Finally it could be over with all the logins and all the password. At the moment I haven’t found a statisfactory identity provider yet, so I started working on my own service. Ruby OpenID has an example server implementation which I am working on to become FLOIDS: the Free Luon OpenID Service. Koditoj Recently, I inventoried all the programs I authored or co-authored in the past 8 years. There is some stuff in there that maybe deserves a second life or at least some description. So, in a series of posts that I’ll call ‘Koditoj’ (free translatable from Esperanto to ‘things that have been coded’) I want to go over all these programs and libraries and give them some attention. More to come soon…

    7 March 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: Formation d veloppeur web sous Linux Li ge

    La prochaine formation Web Component Developer sous Linux pour demandeurs d'emploi (gratuite) aura lieu partir du 2 mai 2007 place Delcour Li ge ( preuves de s lection le 27 mars 2007 9h): Plus d'info sur le site officiel: Ou sur le site

    27 February 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: Fosdem 2007

    Organisation Like last year, I did not help Pascal to manage the devrooms. I'd like to be more helpfull so as a lot of people I made a little donation and get a FOSDEM2007 t-shirt. The event was even better than last year (even if I think it's also cool last year except the wifi was not working last year). This is the first time since 2004 that I don't meet Wouter! I hope we'll meet next Debian or FOSDEM meeting. Women Is it me or are there more and more women involved in open source? This is one of the great news form this year. read more

    21 February 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: Le Grand Content

    I did not check the status of free flash under GNU/Linux PPC so sometimes, I reboot on iBSD (I meant MacOSX) and spend some time on Youtube. I saw this wonderful video from Le Grand Content (it's in English). Update: The website of the author with more open movies:

    Arnaud Fontaine: pmnew-gui announcement

    These last weeks, Enrico and me have worked on a GUI frontend for pmnew. At the moment, the prototype is limited to the task of finding new packages to install. The goal of pmnew-gui is to have every little detail designed to be as smart as possible: for example, the list of packages shows at the top the packages that the system thinks you are interested in having comparing your system to thousands other systems. Screenshots Get it
    bzr branch \
    Setup The README gives some details about the setup. In short you will have to do the following steps:
    apt-get install python-debian python-deb822 python-xapian \
    python-apt python-glade2 python-gtk2
    It works better if you have a network connection, and if you have popularity-contest installed and running. Feel free to send us feedbacks about the GUI. Links

    24 January 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: IBM to release Java6 (early release)

    Sun is now going Open Source for their JDK and that's a very good thing. A lot of people participate in this and I enjoyed when Mark and Dalibor called me to share the news. I thank every people who worked on open sourcing Java but it's not the point here. The first thing that makes me not so happy was that Sun has no plan for PowerPC (and I can understand, Apple does not use it no more and it's an IBM product!). The second thing is IBM not announcing their SDK to be open source. IBM also does a lot of things in FLOOS, in Java, IBM is behind projects like Eclipse or Harmony. But there is nothing for Linux on PowerPC at Harmony: platforms; downloads. read more

    16 January 2007

    Arnaud Vandyck: Database Reverted

    I've reverted an old backup of my drupal's database so I should be able to blog again.

    18 November 2006

    Enrico Zini: pbuilder-tips

    pbuilder tips Many thanks to Arnaud Fontaine for providing me with the solutions to all pbuilder problems I had during the last years. This is what happens to me: someone reports a bug in debtags, and it turns out that the bug needs fixing in libwibble. I start by fixing libwibble, then I need to recompile libtagcoll2-dev, then use it to recompile libept-dev, which I can finally use to rebuild debtags. A normal pbuilder setup would only take dependencies from apt sources, so I need to create an APT source with the packages I just built and feed it to pbuilder. Now, thanks to Arnaud's suggestion, I have the easy way to create the APT repository:
    $ cat update-aptsource
    cd /var/cache/pbuilder/result
    dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null   gzip -9 > Packages.gz
    echo "Running pbuilder update..."
    su -c "pbuilder update"
    Since pbuilder works in a chroot environment, the easiest way of making it access the repository is via http. First I put the new repository online:
    ln -s /var/cache/pbuilder/result /var/www/debian
    Then I add it to /etc/pbuilderrc:
    OTHERMIRROR="deb http://localhost/debian/ ./"
    Then I tell pbuilder to update the configuration inside the chroots:
    pbuilder update --override-config
    And finally I can build my stack of packages. This is probably not rocket science for many DDs. What I'm really appreciating here is using the minimum amount of pbuilder customization and of lines of code of extra infrastructure to maintain. Now, at every compile round, I just need to run that update-aptsource script to inject into the system the dependencies that I have just built. Update: Josh Triplett sent the configuration options to avoid using an HTTP server and use pbuilder's bind-mount facility:
    OTHERMIRROR="deb file:/var/cache/pbuilder/result/ ./"

    21 August 2006

    Gustavo Franco: dpmt update and more

    <span style="font-weight: bold;">Debian Python Modules Team</span> <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></span>The group is receiving new members, old packages from these new members and of course brand new packages every week, to say the least. I would like to say thanks for those who joined and for buxy, fatalerror and arnaud. We're working on a lot of interesting stuff and QA in the packages, you will notice the difference in Etch. Btw, i hope to see just Python 2.4 (and not 2.3 too, since we already dropped 2.1 and 2.2) in our upcoming release and a lot of interesting modules already packaged and well supported (dpmt is working on this, right now).<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;">pkg-gnome</span><br />I'm a newbie in the group, i'm cleaning up bugs (pinging submitters) and already did some work on the packages on our svn repository. Unfortunately my first upload (totem) was rejected due to some naming and compatibility issues with the browsers plugins (mozilla vs libxul). seb128 jumped in and saved us. totem 1.4 is still almost ready to go and the rest of the gnome 2.14 is entering the archive.<br /><br />Well, i'm counting the days to the debcamp. Hopefully i'll participate in: ltsp modularization (pkg-ltsp), cleaning up bugs (pkg-gnome) and do some utnubu (read desktop) related work on tasksel. Since utnubu-meta was rejected. :/<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /><br /></span>

    Gustavo Franco: Python, ltsp, xchat and more.

    Well, after some issues it's true, the Python transition is still going on. No flames, after all i'm in the Debian Python Modules Team from the start, and i'm trying to burn the pythonX.Y-foo from quite some time. Hopefully we will see Python 2.4 as default in Etch and maybe 2.5 in too (without a new transition and weird package names), for this we need to squash some more bugs. Join us at irc.d.o / #debian-python.<br /><br />I haven't dedicated the time i should in pkg-ltsp group, but Otavio and others are doing this and i'm for some time just a tester, organized online meetings and all that. I've a branch ready to be carefully tested and merged with our main. There's now stuff coming in for sure and hopefully we will be able to add a 'thin client server' task and deliver it in time for Etch. :-)<br /><br />xchat-gnome (hopefully) is back, just sponsored the upload for Marco Cabizza (from pkg-gnome). The package is of course sitting in NEW.<br /><br />Have you heard about wotomae? We're all waiting wotomae... Go Arnaud!<br /><br /><worldcup>2 hours for the next Brazil game. The country is almost stopped (it really is) waiting and i'm done with mails and builds at the office, writing this blog entry warming up to go home.</worldcup>

    3 August 2006

    Arnaud Vandyck: Debian packages upload

    Yesterday, I uploaded libcommons-collection3-java to add the testframework jar (bug#268223). I investigate the security alert for tomcat5 (CVE2006-3835) as mentioned by Alec Berryman in bug#380361. Alec also filed this bug for tomcat5.5 but I was not able to reproduce the attack with the releases of tomcat in Debian. I filed a removal bug for libgnujaxp-java (bug#381014) which is in GNU-Classpath for a long time now. I uploaded a new upstream of libapache(2)-mod-jk (bug#338158). Today, I uploaded libmsv-xsdlib-java (the package was prepared by Eric Lavarde, but it was refused by ftpmasters because of the license) to non-free and solved the FTBFS of libjaxp1.3-java reported by Andreas Jochens (bug#379530). Except the security alert I closed because I think they were not affected releases of tomcat in Debian, I did not investigate more bugs of tomcat. But I’ll need it for my day-time and extra jobs so I hope I’ll be working on it after augustus 15. Update: I’m trying to fix argouml in Debian and that’s a huge job (well, the whole afternoon!)!
    1. Update libtoolbar-java (new upstream + comment issue#6);
    2. Update libswidgets-java (new upstream + comment issue#1);
    3. Downgrade libgef-java to match ArgoUML development;
    4. Update ArgoUML from 0.19.6 to 0.22.beta3 (new upstream + open issue#4391 and issue#4392). The main developer of ArgoUML said in the mailing list that this release will not be that much different to the final release and the new upstream upload (plus some corrections in the package) will permit to close some bugs: bug#342200, bug#217878, bug#335294, bug#353464, bug#368244, bug#289241.
    Even with all this work, argouml does not want to start on my laptop. It’s a problem loading the ‘models’. I suspect a problem with the new mdr-model that I do not build because of dependencies not documented and not DFSG free. So I uploaded every package except argouml. I updated the subversion repository so the work is not lost and I’ll review the problem as soon as possible. You can find a copy of the generated package at my Debian’s webspace (click on the argouml directory).

    1 August 2006

    Arnaud Vandyck: New upstreams

    I’ve just upload new upstream (new for Debian, not really brand new! ;-) ) of libgnucrypto-java, libcommons-httpclient-java. The first upload will solve the libjessie-java FTBFS. I’ll work on new upstream of libcommons-net-java, then, I’ll track down Tomcat5 and Tomcat5.5 bugs.

    20 July 2006

    Arnaud Vandyck: Everybody wants to open source

    It’s strange to follow state of minds of big companies about open source (they rarely speak about Free Software but that’s another story;-)). Dalibor Topic, Mark Wielaard and all friends from GNU Classpath spent a lot of time talking with Sun to try to open source Java (or even just be able to get the tools to make open source java virtual machines and API). They are some moves in that direction and people like Tom Marble is working hard to make Sun’s JDK license DFSG compatible and integrate Sun’s JDK in the Debian distribution. Robert Brewin, co-CTO of Sun Microsystems’ software group, said: “I believe that we will have components of Java released into open source within the year,” meaning by next June, Brewin said. “I think [release of] the whole thing will take a little bit longer.” One more step. Another amazing interview is the one of David Kaefer, director of Business Development, Intellectual Property and Licensing at Microsoft who called the open source software movement a “very powerful force in the industry.” He also wants us to believe that Microsoft will be more and more open… Wait and See ;-)

